This is the story of an Australian schoolboy named Paul and his mystic journey into the Australian outback with his aboriginal guide Kuwana. Kuwana teaches Paul about the relationship in nature that all things including the plants and animals share. This is a journey into the unknown where Paul learns about the balance of all things and discovers that all plans and creatures participate in together.

Normally my artwork is a long, slow, drawn out process but I really streamlined my style and process when illustrating these books. Including the design time creating the characters, setting, plants, animals and backgrounds as well as creating the page layout and revisions and corrections all 15 of these illustrations only took about a combined total of 60 hours.

This is the normal amount of time that I spend on one illustration, so I was more than pleased with the outcome and turnaround of the illustrations for this illustrated children’s adventure book.

Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana Hand In Hand drawn by Aaron Wolf. The story of an Australian schoolboy and his adventure into the Australian bush when he learns about nature and it's ralationship with the animals taught by his aboriginal guide Kuwana